There is nothing like grass fed beef, from Willow Creek Ranch.
The main reason for the premier quality of our beef is, of course, where Willow Creek Ranch is located.

Our cattle graze in the Virgin Driftless Region of Wisconsin.
This area, within which our family home and ranch are nestled, is almost unchanged from beyond recorded time.
Glaciers moving from the north split, and passed this area, leaving it virtually untouched and pristine. Melting glacial water fed the streams, rivers, and water tables, creating a naturally pure environment of grasses and pasture fed by water from millennia ago. The result is a nutrient rich, natural environment for two legged or four legged animals to enjoy and draw sustenance from.
Our cattle grow as nature intended, and NOT in an inhumane factory farm setting.
Unlike factory farms, we do not supplement our cattle’s diet with chemically enhanced grain or feed. We rotationally graze our cattle, allowing the grasses and pasture to naturally recover and flourish before they once again are part of the cycle of nourishment. There is no waste to what nature provides, as our cattle fertilize our pastures, and we bale the excess grasses for forage.
Above: A typical factory farm environment
Below: A grass fed, free range calf relaxes

This is the way our family farm has been run for decades. We have never seen the need for chemicals, genetically manipulated feed for our livestock, or a crushing overpopulation of our fields and pastures. We allow and make room for nature to take its course, trusting in and knowing that the circle of life has more to offer in terms of wisdom and health than could ever be created in a laboratory.
The result is simply a happier and more calm herd. And as studies have shown, cattle that have led a stress-free life simply taste better at the table due to the density of the meat and the lack of stress-induced adrenalin released by the animal into its system.

You can taste the fruits of our labor.
All good things take time. Our grass fed beef is no exception to that rule.
Whether you love T-bone or tip roast, filet or the finest hamburger you will ever taste, you will find each and every product we sell to be the very finest in grass fed beef. Fire up the grill for a friendly get-together, or slow cook it in a crock pot for a family feast. Whatever your style of cooking, you can be assured of the finest cuts of naturally produced, grass fed beef for your table.
You can’t help being a gourmet chef with beef products from Willow Creek Ranch!